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Disinfecting the Office: Take the Right Steps to Stay Safe

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Disinfecting your company and offices is an important part of staying safe in uncertain times. Here at Silverback Supply, we have the right disinfectants and tools to help you eliminate viruses and harmful bacteria from your space. Throughout the pandemic, we've kept our supply up, making it possible for our customers to continue getting the disinfectants and cleaning supplies they need.

What Should You Use to Disinfect Your Space?

To start with, look carefully at the ingredients you use. The primary three disinfecting agents include:

  • Isopropyl Alcohol (70% or higher)
  • Quaternary based disinfectants
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (3% or higher)
  • Bleach (10% or higher)

You'll want to make sure any product you purchase has one of these at the right percentage or is a registered disinfectant with the EPA.

How Can You Disinfect a Space Correctly?

To disinfect your space correctly, there are five steps.

  • First, determine which areas of the space need to be disinfected. High-traffic spaces should come first, like desktops and walkways. You should also get your personal protective equipment on before starting. Some gear that you may want to buy includes:
    • o Masks to prevent the spread of airborne illnesses.
    • o One-time use mops and throw-away paper towels, so that you don’t retain viruses or bacteria on sponges.
    • o Latex or vinyl gloves, which are even better if they can be thrown away after use.

    We at Silverback Supply know that cleaning to the highest industry standard is our clients' goal. Whether you're disinfecting the office to defeat COVID-19 or are trying to keep the office clean of other viruses and bacteria, we have the supplies you need in the days and weeks ahead. Contact us for more information today.

  • Choose the right tools and disinfectants that are EPA-approved.

    • o Opt for disinfectants with 70% alcohol or higher and EPA registered disinfectants. Hydrogen peroxide can also disinfect a space as long as it is at 3% or higher by volume.